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在學校當副主任的Paul Davies (40) 和他38歲擔任行政助理的老婆Adele帶著他們原本在卡馬森郡Ffairfach國小就讀的7歲女兒Nel和9歲的Lili Mai「戶外教學」環遊全世界一年。他們為了這個一生只有一次的冒險,花了9年存旅費,總共旅行了48,280公里、12個國家,享受自由自在的感覺。






The girls had never flown before they set off on the journey from west Wales in September 2013, pictured sailing in Australia




Family having a mud bath in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam







When they visited Brittany, France, Mr Davies gave the girls some intensive catch up lessons, pictured in Sydney, Australia 






At the Taj Mahal in Agra, India




Lili Mai and Nel on the Great wall of China




烏魯汝國家公園(Ayers Rock)


The parents home schooled their daughters as they visited 12 countries, pictured at Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru, in central Australia






The family visited Disneyland in Florida (pictured) during their once-in-a-lifetime trip which took place from September 2013 to August 2014









圖片為9歲的Lili Mai在泰國曼谷的一座廟前。


Lili Mai at a temple in Bangkok






Mr Davies and Lili Mai in Georgetown, Malasia






The family went on 36 different journeys by air, pictured with burlesque dancers during their stay in Las Vegas, Nevada









They spent a few days in New York as part of their epic family adventure, pictured posing at the Empire State Building




The parents decided to 'home school' their daughters even though they were thousands of miles away from home




The family set off from their home in Llandybie, Near Ammanford, West Wales, in September 2013 and returned a year later 




The family visited Thailand as part of their round-the-world trip, pictured is Lili Mai holding a snake at a market in Bangkok




They 'treasured' their memories of the adventure, including sleeping  in the Red Centre region of the Australian outback






The girls were given the geography trip of a lifetime, pictured with giant trees in Yosemite national Park in the USA




They went shopping in New York and spent a few days in San Francisco, pictured riding on the trams in the American city




The children were taught the national curriculum throughout the trip, pictured riding elephants in Luang Prabang, Laos


來源:Daily Mail

